If you are into web hosting, you might probably hear of Linux website hosting before. It has emerged to be one among of the top choices that webmasters choose besides Windows and Mac OSX system. One of the reasons that make Linux website hosting popular is because Linux is an open source operating system. Many developers are constantly working to improve the system. There are many distributions of Linux and let s take a look at a few popular ones.
> The first one that we want to mention here is Ubuntu. They are considered the most popular among the distribution out there because it has features that are comparable to Windows hosting.
> The next type is Kubuntu. With its name, you might have guess that it is similar to Ubuntu. Yes it is. The two are very similar in their operations and functionality. However, they do use two different kinds of file system.
> Then, there is the Debian distribution. It is build based on the Ubuntu and Kubuntu. This is most commonly used in the Linux website hosting industry. Although it is more difficult to operate, the Debian is still very flexible.
> Another type of distribution is called Fedora. This one is usually included with dedicated hosting packages. It is commonly used on older computers because of its limitation and its ability to uses less resources.
> Last but not least, we have the CentOS. It is known as Community Enterprise Operating System. This distribution is obtainable freely through GPL and because of this, RedHat has receive many benefit commercially which has led to a more stable and secure performance. This distribution is getting popular and is now widely use as the forms in the cPanel and WHM being used in reseller hosting.